aftermath (oh the title lol)

One down, eight to go~

Not happy with my performance today, not because I didn’t prepare sufficiently or whatever, but because I had forgotten the basics of the basics. Can’t believe that all my years of studying science went to trash just like that. I thought science is my lifeline? That science runs in my blood? What happened?

Maybe I am getting old. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been so forgetful; and otherwise I wouldn’t have been exhausted so quickly as well. Seriously, first paper of the term and I’m tired already?

and so it begins

Dear electromagnetics, I’m so sorry that I took such a long time to understand you… please be nice to me and us tomorrow / later today.

I’ve worked long and hard (too hard?) for you. And I have to say, I’m proud of what I’ve done – starting with hodge-podge copy-paste-formula understanding of all the concepts, ending with being able to apply the integrals in a legit manner. Practice (and loads of progressive familiarisation) makes perfect, or close-to perfect at the very least.

First paper of the term. JIAYOU!!

last push (for the academic year)

Hereby quoting my math lecturer’s catchphrase! (Other than his all-time favourite ‘happy days’ lolol)

So summer term begins tomorrow. Well technically my first real exam is 2 weeks later, but my socks are pulled up already.  Still debating with myself if I should (ironically) take a break from studying and do something else for, say, a day or half a day.

Regardless of what, I’m having mixed feelings for this term. Dreading it because it’s exam season, but looking forward to passing it so that I can do everything I want to do. For instance, my books backlog is getting abit insurmountable, and I need some serious guitar therapy and self-updating on current issues.

Here’s to a good summer term ahead of us! 🙂

approaching the end of spring break

– 3 days of spring break left (including today)

– 6 days to first paper of summer term

– 22 days to first exam of summer term

– 29 days to SFP

– 41 days to last exam of summer term!

– 65 days to going home!

Last weekend of spring break and I’m not sure if I’m that prepared for exams. Being truthful to myself, I think I studied a decent bit. I did past year papers, leaving one paper per subject to be done as mock papers before the actual paper, and I tried dividing my time evenly among the 7 subjects / 9 papers I have to prepare for. Totally made me wonder how I managed to juggle 8 subjects in secondary school… but then again I can’t just compare like this because the content we learn in uni is harder? I find it harder to commit things to memory now though… like I can read through the same set of notes 4/5 times and still not remember what was written in it 😦

Some serious memory work needed here.

Ah well. Other than that my life had pretty much been monotonous. Minus the fact that my housemates and I found a house! ❤ looking forward to moving out of hall already 🙂

Oh, and I picked up the badminton racket again yesterday, after a hiatus of.. one year? I want to pick up badminton again. It’s one of the few sports I can actually (or used to) play decently.

countdown post

As a form of motivation for myself,

– 10 days of spring break left. (including today)

– 13 days to first paper of summer term (EM, don’t let me down!!)

– 29 days to first exam of summer term

– 36 days to SFP

– 48 days to last exam of summer term!

– 72 days to going home ❤

Since it’s 1.30am I’m not going to say much more. But I just wanna say, the ‘break’ part of Easter break has been well spent. I’m crazily homesick now, but I’ll get over it soon and buck up for for the last hurdle of the year! It’s time to transit from Easter break to Easter exam prep..

gossamer steps of spring (trip!)



Best of spring trip, all in one photo~

Can’t believe that the first week of spring break has passed just like that. This week had been a purely awesome break away from work, starting with sg food flown from home at Singapore Day, (gaining a couple of kilos from that oops! haha), 3-day adventure in the Netherlands, and ending off with 3 days of touring in Brussels. Ate so much new food, learnt so much new stuff, gained so many new experiences. ❤

Will try to do a more detailed post soon. Right now the most epic memory of spring trip is the avoiding of ‘bicycle highways’ in Amsterdam LOL. I should seriously learn to cycle properly soon.